Obama, Trump, and the Pursuit of Happiness

You must be a special kind of stupid to place your happiness and wellbeing in the hands of a politician.

This post is about happiness, but it uses politics as a means to examine it. If you are a mature and open-minded person, my opinions shouldn’t anger you. But if you choose to get angry with my writing, please take the extra minute to read what I am actually saying. Don’t misquote my argument and call me a fascist, a racist, or God forbid, a Socialist…

When I was in high school, I knew a fair number of Republicans that were unhappy with the Obama presidency. In fact, unhappy is the wrong word. These folks were full-on depressed, anxious, and angry. Their actual well-being was compromised because their preferred candidate lost, and a person they disliked held political office. They also lived in constant fear that their civil liberties were under attack, thinking that an evil-spirited dictator held office.

Unfortunately, I saw the same thing happen after Trump was elected. I know more than one Democrat who actually cried on election night. The fact that Trump is in office continues to make them depressed, anxious, and angry. They now live in fear that their civil liberties are under attack, thinking that an evil-spirited dictator holds office.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. You must be a special kind of stupid to place your happiness and wellbeing in the hands of a politician. I can understand why you didn’t like Obama or his policies. I can understand why you don’t like Trump or his policies. It is also completely reasonable that they made you angry or upset at times. But if these politicians actually compromised your happiness, you are, at best, a foolish, infantile human being.

If this opinion makes you mad, I am truly sorry. Not because I care about your feelings, but because I pity how fragile you are. But before you call me out over the internet, please take a moment to read what I am actually saying.

I am NOT saying that you should be happy when politicians do things that you disagree agree with. Hell, I am beyond proud to live in a country where you can voice your opinion loudly yet peacefully, and where an armed populace holds the means to resist tyranny, should it arise in one of its many forms. And no, Obama and Trump aren’t tyrants (although both might be criminals. Damn it! I just pissed-off more people).

I am also not saying you should never get angry with politicians. Both Obama and Trump have done many things that should rightfully cause anger. I am also not saying that long-term unhappiness would be unreasonable with certain politicians. But believe me, Trump and Obama aren’t those politicians. And if you think that Trump or Obama is a modern-day Hitler or Stalin, you need a reality check that is beyond my ability to give.

What I am saying is that politicians are not responsible for your happiness. You are responsible for your happiness. Unfortunately, this FACT might also cause some people distress, but (you guessed it!) I don’t care. Only you can make you happy. Some people will make it easy for you to be happy, while other people will make it rather difficult. But even if the whole world is stacked against you, is still your responsibility to find happiness. Politicians take enough from us. Don’t let them take your happiness.

Thanks for reading. Now get off the toilet.

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